The Goshen lift system schematics for 2660 can be found here. The Goshen lift system schematics for 1473 can be found here.

If they are rectangle you have the 2660 Series. Browse Forest River 2008 Flagstaff MAC / LTD 228D owner's manuals, user guides, instructional help documents & operating information to learn more about your product. If your telescoping corner posts are square you have the 1473 Series. Please take the camper information from the trailer and not from the title whenever possible. We will need the make, model and year made to identify the correct parts. Trailer Manufacturers that use the Goshen System: Camplite/Damon (since 1993) This system can be operated with a hand crank winch or an approved motorized winch. Only one cable is used to operate the spring push system. This system is easy to install, easy to maintain and easy to repair if necessary. Forest River - Flagstaff 228D Pop-up - Starting w/Problems now Pissed Consumer.Since 1976, Goshen Stamping has made the most popular lift system for pop-up tent campers in the industry. 3 weeks for us to take delivery with owner possession on 7/22/12. Forest River review with 2 Comments: We purchased our pop-up in July 2012 from Des Moines RV, Des Moines, IA It took approx. Free expert DIY tips, support, troubleshooting help & repair advice for all Flagstaff MAC / LTD 228D RVs. Recent Forest River 2008 Flagstaff MAC / LTD 228D questions, problems & answers. 2008 Flagstaff/Forest River Prices, Values and Specs Select a 2008 Flagstaff/Forest River Series Selling tent or camping trailers since 1997, the Flagstaff trailers produced by Forest River are portable and light for easy towing by a majority of sport utility vehicles and trucks. Savings: We offer low rates and plenty of discounts. #1 specialty RV insurer: Get the best rate and vocerates in the industry. Flagstaff Mac Owners Manual Flagstaff Mac Owners Manual 2007 Forest River Flagstaff - Tent Trailer 2007 Forest River Flagstaff - Tent Trailer description, information Do you enjoy reading or your need a lot of educational materials for your work 2007 Flagstaff/Forest River Prices, Values and Specs Select a. Insure your 2008 Flagstaff/Forest River M-228D MAC for just $125/year. Flagstaff takes pride in packing the most value possible into our Mac series. California, USA 2008 Forest River XLR M-38X12 If you have a large family or just like to get together. New and used Forest River Owners Manual for sale. GTW over 6,000 Trailer- 2008 Flagstaff MAC 228D- AWESOME POP UP 'It's kind of fun to 2004 21' Forest River Surveyor. Insure your 2008 Flagstaff/Forest River M-228D MAC for just $125/year.